New Do

Yesterday while out to get my hair cut I stopped off at TigerDirect (computer geek store) and they were having a great sale on usb flash drives. I now own 3 and 1 for work, lol. I am addicted to these little things and carry one around with me where ever I go.

Anyways…this is the new do…though it is not easy to see - but she cut quite a bit off, it had a lot of frayed/split ends. I went out light night hence the heavy eyes. I went to a CD release party at the Cadillac Lounge in Toronto for a couple of coworkers and their band. Prior to heading to the bar I went to a coworker’s house for drinks. It was a nice evening and most commented on my hair.

The hair can still be thrown back…so I like it :) No new highlights or such, if you don’t book them they don’t do them. The salon was packed and is some kind of franchise but for the $30 she charged for the amazing cut I will be going back.